In 2016 I decided to join my local gym. I was so intimidated! I went with a friend and gradually gained the confidence to go on my own. To better my understanding of bodybuilding, I started watching videos on YouTube about workouts and weightlifting and that's when I discovered female bodybuilders like Iris Kyle and Lenda Murray. It was right then that I decided I wanted a physique like them.
I wouldn't have thought any of what I have accomplished over the last few years, would have been possible. The success of obtaining a physique you desire comes through determination, dedication and sacrifice. Female bodybuilding isn't as widely accepted as the male dominated area of the sport and the minority of women who choose this lifestyle, deserve recognition.
With more emphasis and attention on female bodybuilding, there are women out there that aren't even into training, yet could become champions. This is what inspired ME and I believe is what inspires others. Seeing is believing.