No need to question it. It was only a matter of time before we got to see Illia GOLEM, the newest freakshow on the scene, take on the Bigger By The Day program on his "Road to 380". No, we aren't on a world tour, traveling around the country looking for Interstate 380. This is 380 pounds. MUSCLE!
Illia knew there was NO. OTHER. WAY. to pay his respects to the founder of the mindset, the way of life, Rich Piana, than doing his own Bigger By The Day program. The MOST INSANE BODYBUILDING PROGRAM on the planet!
So, here it is. Follow along, pull up a chair, grab a steak, run and hide. Do whatever you you think needs to be done, but this is happening right NOW!

Our journey starts here! Starts now! Illia starts with the goal of 360lbs to 370lbs not knowing he is going to smash it and increase his goal. He doesn't know how long its going to take, but he's confident that he will get there. Just as Rich showed us in the original Bigger By The Day, here Illia is going to show us his cycle, daily routine of eating, working out, eating, rest, eating, supplementation, eating oh and did we mention eating?!
The biggest key here is you have to eat big to get big. Follow along, take in as much information you can and apply it to your regimen. This is going to be EPIC! Road to 380! Let's goooooo!
#BiggerByTheDay #RoadTo380 #IlliaGolem

Ok, second week. New cycle, eating, working out, eating...ok ok, you get the picture. Today he introduces us to some more of his new friends, heavy ass weights on the smith machine, incline bench press, the peck deck, cable crossovers, all of the favorite machines and movements to watch a MONSTER work.
On this day, by meal two he is already at 14,000 calories. WHAT?! You have to check this out. Welcome to the FREAKSHOW!
#BiggerByTheDay #RoadTo380 #IlliaGolem

Week 3, Let's Go! Shakes, steaks, chicken, steel, muscles tearing. Oh, and have you ever seen a monster do leg day? UTTER INSANITY.
Illia's personality shows through brightly in week 3 episode of Bigger By The Day- Road To 380 when Illia takes a trip to the mall, to find some clothes, yes, he usually has to special order his clothes and here at 5% we send him 4x just like Rich used to have, but damn, its funny to watch him try! Where can a monster get some clothes in Miami?
#BiggerByTheDay #RoadTo380 #IlliaGolem

367lbs. That's where we are starting our week 4 episode today. Believe it or not, that's down a little from where he was at. Don't worry, it's normal. If you're doing this right, the more you work out and exercise the more fat and water weight you will lose while gaining muscle. This only motivates you.
We hope you're following along. If you are on a cycle, do so responsibly, you can't just take steroids and get huge. You still have to bust your butt in the gym harder than you ever have before. With a little help from food, motivation, supplements and genetics. You will be seeing some results.
#BiggerByTheDay #RoadTo380 #IlliaGolem

After 4 weeks, it happened. Illia has reached the goal of 370lbs. What!?! INSANE!!!! Monsters DO Exist. Do you think he's going to stop there? Hell no. Just getting started. Time to bump this goal up to 380. Some may call him crazy, we call him GOLEM!
In this episode, we are taken through the ringer. I feel bigger, stronger (and tired) after watching this one. He maxed out the leg machine so he stacked bodies on top. Yes, they are alive, but DANG! It's getting crazier and crazier!
#BiggerByTheDay #RoadTo380 #IlliaGolem

New week and he's still growing. 3 more pounds since last week. Today, arm training. Illia doesn't just show you and let you figure it out yourself. No. In every episode he is putting a full text breakdown of his workout so you can follow along. Don't try to do HIS workout. Amend it to what you can handle but leave enough to push yourself past your limits.
A couple things to note on this episode and honestly, in all of your workouts. Form is important but to focus growth on certain parts of your muscles, cheat reps are key.
#BiggerByTheDay #RoadTo380 #IlliaGolem

It's been storming, rainy and cold in Miami. Instead of allowing the conditions to bring him down. Illia uses this as motivation to push hard. On that note, its leg day. Circuit training on squats is the big hitter today. Starting with low weight and gets up to 330lbs and back down, high bar, wide stance and going deep. That will tear some legs up. Watch this one!
#BiggerByTheDay #RoadTo380 #IlliaGolem

This week starts with the daily consistent 2,000 calorie shake before the workout then its off to the gym for shoulders. The calories don't stop there. After he gets home it's another 2,000 calories shake which includes the brand spankin' new REAL CARBS + Protein Banana Nut Bread flavor....MMMmmmm. Now it's time to eat. How does this sound? 350g of Salmon filets, rice, and some salsa. Then it's 2.5 lbs of steak, rice, cheese and salsa. Sounds good right? Well he doesn't just tell you. He shows you how he cooks it. What's almost better than watching a monster eat? Watching a monster cook!
Let's do this!
#BiggerByTheDay #RoadTo380 #IlliaGolem

Illia starts this week with showing some of the supplements he uses. Yes, they are 5% Nutrition products, but not because he's a sponsored athlete, but because this shit is BANGIN! Real Carbs + Protein, the new SHAKE TIME Real Food Protein, and 5150. Illia say's that 5150 is too much for him, it's just too stong. Ok. We'll take that! Chest day to start off this week.
Have you been to Longhorn steakhouse lately? He loved it so much that he talks about it like he's sponsored by Longhorn. We aren't worried though. Then on to Miami Beach. We have a riddle for you, what do you call a monster in the ocean? A sea monster! Ok, terrible, I know. Just watch this and you'll
understand.#BiggerByTheDay #RoadTo380 #IlliaGolem

ROAD TO 380: WEEK 10
Well, here we are. Last episode. We get to see a little bit more into the life and personality of Illia GOLEM. This episode reminds us of the big boss, Rich. "You have to start now, nothing is going to be given to you, you have to go and take it."
Illia reaches his 380lbs but this is not his ideal weight. Not the weight he feels comfortable at so he drops back down immediately to 370+. "It's hard to carry around that much weight and feel good". But the battle has been won, and in true 5%ER fashion. This was an amazing journey and we are excited to see what's next for the
MONSTER.#BiggerByTheDay #RoadTo380 #IlliaGolem
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The views, opinions and advice given in the Bigger By The Day series or by personality Rich Piana are his own and do not reflect those of the company, 5% Nutrition, or its employees, directors and representatives. Before starting any exercise program, you should consult your physician. The information here has not been evaluated by a physician or dietitian. The information provided is based on personal experience and Rich's own background as a bodybuilder. Any recommendations made about weight training, nutrition, supplements or lifestyle, or information provided to you in person or on this website should be discussed between you and your doctor because working out involves risks. The information you receive in our emails, programs, services and products do not take the place of professional medical advice.
For Educational and Informational Purposes Only. We aim to accurately represent the information provided in our e-mails, programs, services, and products. You are acknowledging that you are participating voluntarily in using any of our e-mails, programs, services, and/or products, and you alone are solely and personally responsible for your results. You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health, life and well-being, as well as the health, lives and well-being of your family and children (born and unborn, as applicable), and all decisions now or in the future.
Before starting any new diet and exercise program please check with your doctor and clear any exercise and/or diet changes with them before beginning. We are NOT doctors, nutritionists or registered dietitians. We do not claim to help cure any condition or disease. We do not provide medical aid or nutrition advise for the purpose of health or disease nor do we claim to be doctors or dietitians. Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client.